Mixing Out Blog

Upgrade your social life

5 Facebook Friends Everybody Has But Nobody Wants


1. The #Hashtagger

No longer satisfied with Twitter as a means of spreading their pretentious, internet-assembled philosophies, these social media hipsters are now intent on ruining Facebook for everybody too. Trying to remain friends with somebody who constantly uses hashtags on Facebook is like trying to convince yourself that you’re not in a miserable, loveless relationship. Get rid of them now!

2. The ‘smashed that meal’ poster

Sometimes they’re ‘eating clean’ or ‘bulking like a beast’, but in the end it’s just taking a photo of whatever’s in front of them and letting everybody know they’ve finished their meal – what are you, six? Need permission to move on to your pudding? Not until you’ve deleted all these pictures from your account, you can’t!


3. The gym-checker

Apparently, some people can’t go more than an hour without telling us about their ‘need to go to the gym and workout’. Let’s just hope they don’t feel the same about going to the toilet – it all amounts to same thing in our opinion, a load of old… bowel movements.

4. The ‘political selfie’ poster

These do-gooders find something different to rant about every week, like picking a T-Shirt, just so they can wear it and show it off, in an effort to appear ‘more enlightened’ in the eyes of their friends. We’re not saying being opinionated is a bad thing, but when you’re doing it for purely narcissistic reasons, it’s about as irritating as posting a selfie.


5. And our personal favourite

The older relative who tries to ‘check-in’ on nephews and nieces by commenting on their most recent posts, rather than just making a new wall post or sending a private message. That’s one sure way to look way cool in front of your friends.