Mixing Out Blog

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What Kind of MixingOut Member Are You? A Fun Quiz About Our Friendship Site’s Users

What kind of MixingOut member are you? All our friendship site users are different and unique… but maybe you fall into one of these categories. Or maybe you’re a little bit of all three!

Q. What was the main reason you wanted to join MixingOut?

a) Most of your mates are either married or busy with work. It’s pretty difficult finding somebody who’s free to stagger home with you at 4 in the morning.

b) You knew it’d be a great way of trying new experiences, things you’ve always wanted to do, but could never find anybody to do them with.

c) You’re new in town and wanted to get to know the local hotspots, all the best places to meet new people.

Q. It’s your first ever MO meet up, what do you wear?

a) You decide to rock up in a leather jacket, jeans tighter than the seal on an ocean liner, and enough product in your hair to last anybody else a fortnight.

b) Shorts, obviously. Shorts, a T-shirt, and for whatever reason, a towel.

c) The new outfit you bought especially for the occasion. You already had one fairly similar, but wanted something new to make a good impression.

Q. It’s midnight on a weekday and your group of MO regulars are…

a) About to meet up. It’s still early, everybody knows the best clubs don’t open yet. 

b) Hopefully in bed. You’ve all got a 7 mile run in the morning, and raw eggs and vodka don’t mix!

c) It’s difficult to say. Some of them didn’t get in because they were too drunk. The rest are somewhere scattered around the dance floor.

Q. It’s a Saturday afternoon so you and some friends decide to do what?

a) Check out what’s showing at the cinema. Horror, comedy, action – it’s all good.

b) Get to know each other a little better down the barrel of a paintball gun.

c) Grab a couple of drinks and a quick bite to eat at that new bar you’ve heard great things about. From here, it’s anybody’s guess.

If you answered mainly a’s…

You’re a social vampire. You love the night time scene, so long as it’s underground and doesn’t close it’s doors until the early hours.

If you answered mainly b’s…

You’re up for absolutely anything, especially if you’ve never tried it before. Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse.

If you answered mainly c’s… 

You like to have fun and you love meeting new people. Friendly, bubbly, and you know how to enjoy yourself.