Mixing Out Blog

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Sun’s Out, Guns Out – Getting Fit With New Friends

Physical exercise isn’t exactly the most appealing way to spend your free time. But what if you started doing more active things with new friends, surely that would make it more engaging and attractive.

Besides finding someone else to help develop your fitness interests (because getting into shape is practically nine tenths motivation) it’s also a very effective way of being healthier, working out all that pent up frustration and energy, and generally feeling a whole lot better about yourself. And above all else, there are some really fun ways to go about it, especially when you’ve got a friend or two involved.

So, seeing as though Summer is only a few weeks away, here’s some fun and effective ways for friends to get fitter together.

Keeping things simple: Running

Most of us at some point have got up at 6am to go for a run before everyone else is awake, just so we can ‘secretively’ get into shape without anybody seeing us try. It’s hardly the most enjoyable way to exercise.

Much better to grab yourself a running-buddy and go for a jog/run together at a time that conveniences the both of you. Throw a little friendly competitiveness into the mix and you’ll be shedding those pounds in no time.


Going a bit more adventurous: Rambling and rock climbing

For those of you who like to get out a bit more and really feel the benefits, then why not arrange a day trip to any one of the beauty spots in and around your area.

Rolling hills, fresh air, steep climbs – there’s literally so much to do, you can make it as casual or as adventurous as you like. Many National Trust owned parks also do further activities, such as rock climbing, kayaking and bike rides. So if there’s something you’ve always felt like giving a go, it would be a great opportunity to try it with other people.


Or maybe somewhere in between: Gym and fitness classes 

If you’re stuck for ideas on what to do together, then maybe finding out what’s going on at your nearest gym is a good place to start. From simple fitness and yoga classes to higher-intense activities and workout sessions, there’s always something to cater for your level of fitness.