Mixing Out Blog

Upgrade your social life

The Over-thinker’s Guide to Dancing With New Friends

You know the score: a few late night drinks with some new friends and somebody suggests you all hit a club. Before you know it, you’ve been coerced onto the dance floor, when all you really want to do is order one of those ludicrous pitchers filled with phosphorescent alcohol. Then from out of nowhere, one of those throwback eighties tracks booms over the loudspeaker – or worse, something superficially modern – and now you’ve got to strut your stuff.

At first, it starts off fine; you’ve joined your friends in a safe little mini circle, and everybody’s laughing and joking as they put their arms around each other in some palsied rendition of the Hokey Cokey. You continue through your repertoire of dance moves – “Playing Snooker”, “Stacking the Shelves”, and the ever reliable “Hula Hoop Around the Neck” – when all of a sudden you can’t think of what to do anymore. Now you’ve got to think, quite literally, on your feet.

So with that being said, here’s 3 over-thinker’s thoughts when it comes to finding yourself in that awkward dancing situation:

1. “Maybe more drink will make my dancing better”

Erm, absolutely. What could possibly go wrong?


2. “I don’t think I’m moving my arms enough”

Yep, if your dancing is lacking anything (other than choreography) it’s definitely arm moving. Pretend like you’re the girl at the beginning of Jaws. The more thrashing, the cooler you look.


3. “Should I break away from the group?”

Quite a tough one, this. Straying from the safety of your mates is a bit like prancing off into no-man’s land. You could end up looking like a hero, or a complete and total t*t if you’re not careful. Remember, fortune favours only the brave.
