Mixing Out Blog

Upgrade your social life

Your Social Life Horoscopes for This Month


ARIES – Don’t be surprised this weekend, when you and a group of friends attend a remote theme park in the middle of the Pacific filled with genetically engineered dinosaurs and things go awry. Your lucky numbers include the telephone number of the national coast guard.

TAURUS – A friendship with a fellow Taurus will lead to an embarrassing situation when both of you arrive dressed as bulls at an up and coming Halloween party. Find yourself a backup costume.

GEMINI – A close friend will be there when your partner breaks up with you – and then takes him/her for themselves. Don’t worry though, you’ll laugh about it one day over a drink and a loaded rifle.

CANCER – While it’s true that you’re a stable, reliable individual, don’t let your best friend use you as a table at his next dinner party. Go shopping for furniture instead.

LEO – Born under a wandering star, instinct leads you to explore new territories and form tight friendships by joining a gang. Approach this avenue with caution, though, these people take loyalty very seriously.

VIRGO – Don’t worry: that bungee jumping trip you’ve arranged will go smoothly, on the way down. Coming back up may prove problematic.

LIBRA – Next week there’ll be an opportunity to do something impulsive and very out of character with your friends. Keep a close eye out for any unattended security vans parked outside of the bank.

SCORPIO – You’re going to be very, very busy this month supporting a close Libra friend in the middle of a serious court battle. Don’t get your hopes up.

SAGITTARIUS – Whilst you fancy a quiet weekend, your friends will want to do something a little more exciting. A compromise leads to coffee and cake on white water rapids.

CAPRICORN – There’s going to be a number of social events cropping up over the next few weeks. It’s a pity you’re not invited.

AQUARIUS – Don’t stay in and watch television this weekend. Get out and meet some new people. Then bring them home and you can all watch TV together.

PISCES – Today you’re going to make friends with somebody on the bus. You won’t want to, he just won’t leave you alone.