Mixing Out Blog

Upgrade your social life

4 Things Nobody Tells You About Making Friends When You’re a Grown-Up

1. Every night is “you’re not going out tonight” night

Remember when you were little? You’d make plans to meet up with your friends after school and then as soon as you got home you’d hear “you’re not going out tonight” from your mum and dad. Maybe they had other plans, maybe you did something wrong, or maybe they just wanted to keep a close eye on you.

Well, now every night is like that. Family, work, kids, rent, bills… going out can be tricky for us responsible grown-ups. We can’t be as spontaneous as we used to be. Luckily, MixingOut is here to makes things a little bit easier.

2. Your awesome toy collection isn’t going to impress anyone

Okay, that’s not entirely true. There might be a few guys and (possibly) girls out there who are really interested in your Mint Condition Death Star – but generally speaking these are subjects to avoid bringing up in a grown-up conversation. Instead prepare to discuss mortgage rates and the best place to buy a decent coffee table.

3. Crashing at someone’s house isn’t cool anymore

When you were a student living in a grubby flat, crashing on random people’s sofas was as much a part of the norm as waking up in the middle of the afternoon. Try that now with somebody you’ve only just met, and they’re likely to give some spare change for a cup of tea and walk the other way.

4. You’ve got to make the most of the free time you have

If you really want a fulfilling social life now that you’re an adult, there can be no room for forgoing opportunities to go out and meet friends. When you were younger, you had all the free time in the world. Now life is a whole lot busier, you need to find those moments to enjoy yourself and make them count.