Mixing Out Blog

Upgrade your social life

How to organise the perfect Mixing Out event…

Forging fabulous friendships

Have you attended a few Mixing Out events and now find yourself thinking ‘I could do that, I could host the most amazing event’?

Well, if you haven’t noticed from the prompts around the site already, YOU CAN!! You could be the host/hostess with the most/mostess.

Your event should very much represent you and your interests, and you will find that those with similar interests will come flooding to join you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a night on the town, a girly shopping trip, or bowling – whatever you want to do with other people then put on an event for it.

In case you’re wondering just how easy it is to put on an event lets quickly run through the steps to creating a Mixing Out event:

  1. Give your event a catchy title and put enough information in it to draw people in – don’t make it too long though!
  2. Provide as much information as possible about the event – go on, sell it to us. If you can make the event sound fun and unmissable then people will want to join you. Be sure to set a member limit if you want to keep it cosy.
  3. Set the event location, time, and date – if you need to provide more information for getting there or where to meet then please do!

Besides a few others boxes that you can fill in to add a bit more to your event, that’s it! It really is that easy and quick to add your event – then you just wait for the bookings to fly in.

Interested? You may already be aware that to become an organiser typically requires a certain Sociability score. BUT you can skip that process and apply to upgrade your account for free and become and organiser right now!

Click here to apply to become an organiser: http://mixingout.com/info/start-fun-where-i-am