Mixing Out Blog

Upgrade your social life

And The Results Are In: Who Did Your Friends Vote For?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few months, or rather hiding under one to avoid the relentless coverage and annoying memes, you will undoubtably know there was an election earlier this week. Yesterday, in fact. And the results are pouring in as I’m writing this post.

But who did your friends vote for? Does it really matter, and should you even care? Well, if you’re friends are anything like ours, ‘shaming’ you into voting with motivational Facebook updates (yawn), then we think it’s very important!

So in the interest of cutting certain friends out of your social circle and forming new alliances with people you never imagined shared similar views, we’ve put together a few points to consider.

You’re out for a few drinks. Your friend orders…

a. A pint of bitter the colour of the treacle, with a head of cream like a Walls 99.

b. A bottle of something imported. The label looks more pricey than the one inside your shirt.

c. Larger. Simples.

d. Cosmopolitan.

Your friend does the weekly shop at…

a. Farmers markets, for everything, including clothes.

b. Marks and Spencer.

c. Used to be Tesco, now Lidl.

d. All of the above

You decide to watch a film. You’re friend suggests…

a. James Bond, of course!

b. Bond. All the way.

c. Bond.

d. Something with little dialogue, scores of orchestral music and sweeping shots of flowery scenery.

You take a peak at your friend’s phone, the wall paper is…

a. James Bond, of course!

b. Just the colour grey.

c. FHM cover girl.

d. A picture of their pet.

Results: UKIP, mainly a’s. Conservative, mainly b’s. Labour, mainly c’s. Lib Dem, mainly d’s. It’s a tie, no surprise really, they’re all the same.