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Nerdy Characters From Yesterday Who Would Have No Trouble Finding Friends Today

Finding friends is easy when you’re cool, but the evolution of what’s cool and what isn’t can be pretty difficult to predict. Pop-culture today champions the nerds, geeks and dweebs in the same way the popular crowd were celebrated not that long ago. Times, they are a changing.

So we checked out some not-so-cool characters of the past, who we think would absolutely smash it on the social scene today.


Data – The Goonies 

Back in 1985, you wouldn’t admit to having half the contractions and gizmos this guy had stashed beneath his oversized trench coat. It was just about socially acceptable to carry your walkman around in public, but anything more ‘advanced’ was considered “nerdy”, “un-cool”, and, like, “totally lame, dude”.

Nowadays you can’t even leave the house without taking some form of portable computer with you, and God forbid wherever you’re going doesn’t have Wi-Fi. (Oh, the humanity!) The dramatic rise of smartphones, tablets and internet-on-the-go means more people love their iPhones more than their own mothers. Sure, all Data really ever had was an automated boxing glove hidden up his sleeve and “Slick Shoe” but there’s no doubt he would have reigned supreme today.


Samuel “Screech” Powers – Saved By The Bell

The outlandish hair, the terrible dress sense, his tow-curling social awkwardness… back in the 80’s and early 90’s we were all laughing at Screech – today we’d be laughing with him. Yep, with all his quirks – his favourite breakfast was burnt toast, lumpy porridge and orange juice with plenty of pulp – he’d fit right in at the cool kids’ table. Only this time, he’d have no trouble with the ladies.

Idiosyncrasy is looked upon a lot more favourable these days. In fact, you’re considered an oddball if you don’t have any out of the ordinary mannerisms (preferably the weirder the better) and singled out for it – which is pretty ironic.


Thelma Dinkley – Scooby Doo 

She may just have been know as “Daphne’s mate” back in the day, but surely Thelma would be the centre of attention at some of today’s trendiest corners of town. With that hipster haircut, retro outfit and quirky glasses, Daphne probably wouldn’t even get a look-in anymore.

That’s right, the whole “hipster” concept has exploded over recent years – if you want to be cool, you’ve got to listen the bands that nobody’s heard, watch movies that nobody understands, and wear clothes nobody would be seen dead in.