Mixing Out Blog

Upgrade your social life

New Year, New Friends: 6 Resolutions to Keep Things Social

It’s that time of year when we all vow to shed those pounds, meet new friends, get more out of life and generally swear to be an overall better person. That’s right, New Year signifies New Beginnings. We all come up with the regular resolutions for the upcoming year, no matter how unlikely we are to actually follow through. So what if you’ve promised yourself to visit a primitive island, help the locals build a Starbucks and rediscover yourself in the process? You’ll probably never do it.

The key is to keep things simple. You can make some very easy changes that seem small, but add up to a great deal in the long run, especially when it comes to your social life. So with that being said, here’s a quick list of New Year’s resolutions that every person should consider:

1. Put the smart phone away, especially in the company of others. It seems as though we’ve become so dependant on our second screens that we’ve forgotten the fundamentals of social etiquette. Would you start casually flipping through a magazine whilst somebody was trying to hold a conversation with you? No? Then leave the smart phone in your pocket.


2. Plan something interesting with friends six months in advance. That way, if the next six months don’t pan out exactly as you’d hoped, you’ll still have something to look forward to.

3. Make more of an effort to stay in touch with friends, other than texting and Facebook. Even if it’s just a short phone call once a week, or a catch up over a drink and a quick bite to eat, regular contact with your mates is so important – no matter how busy things get!

Friends drink

4. If there’s nothing on television, get yourself up off the sofa and meet up with friends instead. All too often we end up staying in and ogling the telly, even when we know there’s nothing worth watching. It’s a bad habit and it’s got to stop now!

5. Find something you’ve always wanted to do and get a friend to do it with you. Whether you’ve always wanted to jump out of a plane, go paint balling, or join the gym, getting a friend to do the same will alleviate the anxiety of trying something new all by yourself. This way, you are far more likely to actually do it.

6. Next time you’d rather stay at home when somebody asks to meet up, go against your instinct and meet up anyway. The best nights out are always unplanned and spontaneous. Trust us.