Mixing Out Blog

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MixingOut’s Guide To A Spontaneous Night Out With New Friends

We’ve all been there; planned the ultimate night out with new friends and watched it deteriorate miserably as each passing moment fails to live up to your expectations. How many times have you hyped something with your friends, being like “This night out is going to be INSANE. It’s going to be EPIC, OMG I CAN’T WAIT…” blowing more and more hot air, until the whole thing bursts in your face like a cheap party balloon.

Don’t Expect it

You should know by now the most memorable nights happen spontaneously. Things may start off unremarkable, but all of a sudden they take a step in the right direction, almost completely out of the blue, and everybody follows suit. There’s really no explaining it. Other than taking note that the major key to having a great night out is to not expect it.


Shake things up (without even trying)

If you try too hard to have a really great time, then you’re going to set yourself up for massive failure. It’s that simple. Instead, think of ways you can shake things up gradually, without putting too much emphasis into it.

This could be anything from moving on to the next bar to staying put and playing a round of pool, starting up a friendly competition and slowly building the group’s level of participation. The more everyone’s engaging with one another, the better the night will be!

People playing billiard.

Have an (emotional) one night stand

No not that kind… Nothing cements a truly awesome night out than sharing it with someone else on the same level. When you’re out and about with huge groups of people, there’s plenty of opportunities to make a connection with somebody – even if it’s only for that one night – and having a great time together, chewing the fat, and putting the world bang to rights!